Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Djembe's** Invite

I thud and thunder
In a rhythmic dance
When skin meets skin
In a spiritual trance

Open your arms
In warm embrace
And I promise magic
By divine grace

Music will stir
Music will churn
In creative joy
Your soul shall burn

With a little time
And a little space
An alive heart
Will have a glowing face

But, you need to be bold
Show some passion
Life is wholesome
Why do you ration?

The choice is yours
If the spirits drop
This African goblet
Is but a house-hold prop

**Djembe is a percussion instrument of African origin

1 comment:

Avirup Das said...

Hmm! Very different from your usual style - this was much more light-hearted.. Nice sting in the tail though :)