Sunday, July 6, 2008

The future of hate


Came to my ears, just yesterday
It could not see, the light of day
A promising start, a fresh new life
Clinically cut short, through culture's knife

The man she loved, was Muslim
The Hindu girl, knew chances were slim
Under deep-rooted, centuries of hate
Swallowing tears, she accepted her fate

The history of hate..

In a quake of sorts, the Arabian deserts shook
Blood-thirsty tribes, recieved a new outlook
Peace had yawned, on a people savage
A prophet had promised, a golden age

A commune formed, with ideas revolutionary
Evangelist zeal, formed a well-oiled machinery
It unified people, under a tight regiment
But at the cost of tolerance, some lament

They were right, and only they
There was but, only one way
War cries boomed, at high decibels
The faithful, versus the infidels

As savageness peaked, frenzy caught on
With dogmatic might, the juggernaut rolled on
Crushing people, that came in the way
Destroying cultures, that had something to say

Then one day, they reached our land
A motley people, a mystic band
An artist's canvas, colors aplenty
Spiritual treasures and riches in plenty

Plunder followed. Carnage! Conversion!
Pray what rationale, for such subversion?
Why transform, a splendid rainbow
To a monochrome, by a show of crossbow?

Imposition attempts, went on for years
But it still didn't ring, in the tyrants' ears
That religions can grow, by the force of sword
But in coerced hearts, can there be love of the Lord?

In the present..

The scars of hostility, are yet to heal
But the land stands firm, with a progressive will
Regression sulks, in an isolated cage
Facing relegation, to a history page

Future of hate..

We must though, continue
To look at all, from a liberal view
Uphold our diversity, and tolerance
With a broad mind, not a narrow lens

Each of us, must have the right to choose
Faith is a necklace, surely not a noose
Abundant sunshine, water, fresh air
And freedom to grow, is a sapling's best care

**Premise based on the Rizwanur Rehman murder case.
Additional reference on the 'History of hate' @


Unknown said...


Hiren said...

communal divide ... thats the worst malady rampant in our beloved country ... :( and frankly speaking ... i dont see it getting cured of atleast in our lifetime :(

Ekta said...

d last stanza sums up quite a bit..tho' i often wonder after all d violence (in d name of religion),if these fanatics actually r satisfied by wat they hv done..wud they hv d conscience tat lurks arnd tellin them wat a futile attempt it has been to try n impose upon others their views that too by means so cruel tat noone really wud care after tat how 'noble or religious' their thoughts were tat made them act in tat way? such a criminal waste of faith when it cud b used to achieve something much greater in life...

Obheek said...

@ Hiren: In the background of partition riots, this generation of Indians were liable to be much more hateful than we actually are. I strongly believe that the milding effect comes from the progressive spirit of our religion and the diversity of the country. Our mindset has historically been better prepared for tolerance and co-existance.
For eg: Where we co-exist with 30+ regional languages, Pakistan failed to tolerate Bangla as an active language to be spoken in the then East Pakistan. That led to Bangladesh being severed from Pakistan. On the other hand, a liberal India has had more or less harmonious integration of different regions owing to natural tolerance of various faiths and cultures.
That I believe is a strength of ours that we should preserve.

@ Ekta: Bang on! That's why a did a deep-dive into the gory-bloody history. My inference is that regression will continue to look backwards. We can move to the future and defeat them by building our resilience and progressive will.
It's a classic case of two parallel lines. Instead of we defeating regressive forces by shortening their line, we need to enlarge our line and march ahead.

Avirup Das said...

awesome! great flow and structure, and i liked the idea too :)
just playing the devil's advocate here, but here are my two 'aanas'...

freedom yes, but guidance also, needs the child,
for without the shears the grass grows wild..


Rricha Nimish said...

Awesome dude!! Cant agree more!